Friday, October 24, 2008


We all have so much LOVE to give
Love that comes from GOD
So give it freely
We all need love
We all have the power
To GIVE love
Love is the greatest
GIFT God gave us...

These are a few of my thoughts that I have written in a couple of notebooks. I found them today and want to share them with you...

Don't fear God, fear the consequences of your actions. Every action has a positive or negative consequence. Every thought and every intention has a positive or negative reaction, as well. Remember that you —and only you— are responsible for your actions; you are responsible for the choices you make! You create your world...

Always be in touch with your feelings; if something doesn't feel right — don't do it. Don't do things that you know are wrong; don't do things just because others pressure you to do them. Follow your heart — follow your inner feelings (you "gut" feelings). Don't do things to hurt others — you will only hurt yourself; and don't do things to hurt yourself — you will only hurt others... Don't chose to live in the "black hole" of close-mindedness, blaming everyone else for your problems, and distancing yourself from "the light" and your fellow brothers and sisters in this world.

Embrace "the light" and your life will be miraculous! Embrace "darkness" and "negativity" and you will create a miserable life for yourself. Rise above negativity by trusting that better things will come. Be strong and find your truth within. Create a beautiful life and don't ever lose your sense of awe and wonder!

We are all interconnected to one another and we have the power to change others with our behavior and our actions. We can impact others in a positive or negative way with every action we take and every word we say. Pay attention to your intentions, actions and reactions; pay attention to how you treat others. Pay attention to your feelings and emotions. Are you being compassionate enough? Patient enough? Loving and kind enough? Understanding enough? Do you easily judge and criticize others? Remember: what you see in others may be your own weaknesses — no one is perfect (they say others can be like our "mirrors" — they can reflect what we are and don't recognize). Let's not be so hard and harsh with others; we all make mistakes. We all misunderstand the intentions of others; we all assume things; and get hurt at times and take things personally. We are not all that different from one another. We all act in foolish ways some times - with pride, with anger, with distrust, with fear. Why is it so hard to have a forgiving heart?

Some people have been hurt so many times, or have allowed others to hurt them so many times, that they have a hard time trusting others. Some have hurt others so much themselves, that they simply cannot trust others; they think everyone is just like them - they measure others as they do themselves. They just don't know how to love — they have fear in their hearts. It's always easier to blame others for our problems than to blame ourselves. It's always easier to believe that we are the victims and that "others" are against us and cannot be trusted.

Henry Grayson, Ph.D. wrote: "When we begin to realize our interconnectedness, that everything we think, feel, say and do affects those around us in some way, then we begin to own our magnificent power to influence all our relationships. We awaken as if from a bad dream, no longer able to view ourselves as victims to others' feelings, behaviors, or actions."

Let's also remember that "negative emotions," such as anger, jealousy, guilt, envy, hurt, and rage, ALL grow out of fear. "Positive emotions," such as joy, happiness, delight, and affection, ALL grow out of love. If we make a commitment, we can stay away from "negativity" and embrace only "positive" actions, words, and intentions — ONLY GOOD THINGS...

Let's put LOVE in our hearts — NEVER FEAR! Love is of God - fear is not. FAITH will protect us, unite us, and bring us peace, joy and eternal LOVE.

I just started reading a book by Robert Holden, Ph.D. called "Happiness NOW" — I highly recommend it. There he mentions a beautiful prayer written by Macrina Wiederkher (a Benedictine Nun):

"Oh God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is. Amen" (1991)

"To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true identity. Selflessness is my true self. Love is my true character. Love is my name." ~ Thomas Merton. New Seeds of Contemplation (New York: New Dimensions Press, 1961)

"Know love — no fear
Know joy — no pain
Know light — no darkness
Know wholeness — no dis-ease
Know now — no past
Know truth — no lies
Know God — no separation
Know self — no other"

(Also from "Happiness NOW")


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