Thursday, April 10, 2008

"More on Spirituality"

"We can confidently say... that spirituality is fearlessness. It is a way of looking boldly at this life we have been given, here, now, on earth, as this human being."
~ Elizabeth Lesser ("The Seeker's Guide")

Spirituality is more than meditation. It is the fundamental building block of physical health, emotional balance and sustained feelings of joy and well-being. Find the nature of your own sacred connection, find ways to integrate body, mind, and spirit for healing and spiritual awakening, and open your deep heart to the direct experience of love which is the essential path to happiness.”

Spirituality means the ability to find peace and happiness in an imperfect world, and to feel that one's own personality is imperfect but acceptable. From this peaceful state of mind come both creativity and the ability to love unselfishly, which go hand in hand. Acceptance, faith, forgiveness, peace, and love are the traits that define spirituality for me.
~ Bernie Siegel

I believe that to find happiness and emotional balance in your life you need to have and embrace “spirituality.” Spirituality is longing - craving and searching for meaning in our lives, for the truth, for God, for something greater than ourselves...

I don’t expect you to believe what I believe, but I hope you get inspired...

Inspired to find happiness in your life…

Inspired to always do your best…

Inspired to follow your dreams…

Inspired to believe in yourself…

Inspired to get up when you fall…

Inspired to live a fulfilling life of meaning and purpose…

Remember that YOU ARE AMAZING, each one of us is an amazing person with incredible gifts; gifts and talents that we can share with the world – especially when we find “meaning” in our lives. Yes! Our lives can be full of “meaning,” when we let go of fear and when we follow our dreams… The meaning of life is to live that dream; but you can only live that dream if you believe that you can; so, believe in your dream!

We have to take responsibility for our lives. We cannot consider ourselves victims and blame others for our mistakes. We are co-creators with God; so we have to take responsibility for our creation. At every moment, we are creating our reality with our actions and our thoughts – positive actions and positive thoughts will bring us positive results. The opposite is true, as well: negative actions and negative thoughts will bring us negative results.

Chuck Gallozzi ( wrote: What then is meaning? Meaning is a personal reason for our existence. It’s a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It is not a matter of searching for some ethereal, profound, and mysterious meaning, but merely of choosing what to dedicate our life to, for the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. In other words, the meaning of life is to live a meaningful life. We create ourselves with the power of thought, and we create our meaning with the power of choice.

The meaning of a word is its role in a sentence, and the meaning of a person is their role in society. When we take on a role and contribute to society, we become meaningful by being
useful. Our role gives us value and significance.
No role is too small; all roles are vital, and every role is an opportunity for someone to find meaning.

Our purpose is to become useful. Useful to others, useful to our world... To contribute our talents and gifts in some positive way. In order to have meaning in our lives we must learn to make the right choices and decisions for our lives; fill our lives with positiveactions. So see yourself as an important contributor for the betterment of this world and learn to act appropriately to fulfill your goal of finding meaning in your life. Your actions will create your life - your positive and negative experiences. If you act with kindness, compassion, patience, tolerance, respect, understanding and love - you will receive all that in return, and more, and accomplish your greatest dreams and goals. When you cause great pain to others by your negative and destructive actions, you will only hurt yourself (and your loved ones); you will only create negative effects. Find inner peace by living your best life! IT'S UP TO YOU!

Always remember that YOU MATTER. Your life and what you do with it matters. You are indispensable to this world! Also remember to keep an open mind and an open heart at all times…

"Only as we learn to accept and cherish ourselves as we really are, can we tap our innate wisdom."

Exercise: Create a collage in order to explore visually what might bring meaning into your life. You can discover what gives meaning to your life by creating a picture of your ideal life, filled with the things you'd like to do and the things you'd like to have - the things that are important to you. Gather up magazines that have pictures you like, get out scissors, glue stick and paper, and begin to cut and paste; or create a collage using PowerPoint, Photoshop or another favorite computer program.


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