"We are Drops in an Infinite Sea..."
"God is a source of pure unconditional love and light, and we are here to try to manifest this love in our every thought and action. This is our birthright because God is within each one of us."
~ Michele Livingston
Rabbi and Dr. Joshua Loth Liebman wrote: "Detachment gives us the understanding that we are born into a world that is larger and more important than we; that we are drops in an infinite sea; that we are marvelously distilled globules of Divine rain and dew; that we cannot last forever; that all of our priceless values are at the mercy of time..." (Peace of Mind, 1946). He made this comment in his book after discussing the opinion of a distinguished American philosopher, Charles Morris, when he described the necessity of having "proper detachments and proper attachments" in our lives.
I love reading this book! Dr. Liebman was a very intelligent, wise and prolific person. This book spent more than a year as number one on the New York Times Best Seller List. I was introduced to "Peace of Mind" back in 2002, when I was organizing and packing my Mother-in-Law's (Bebe's) apartment; since we sadly had to move her into an assisted living place, and later on into a nursing home - due to her Alzheimer's disease. Finding this book was a true treasure. Since then I had bought a few extra copies, and read it once in a while (different sections - never all at once). I really appreciate the Rabbi's knowledge and insights. Sadly, this amazing man died at the young age of 41. He also wrote: "Hope for Man" and "Psychiatry and Religion." Mom (Bebe) bought this book before her wedding, April 1948 (in December 1947); so it has a very special meaning to me. I like to believe that she wanted me to read it, to learn to live a better life, and learn to find inner peace.
I love books that make me think and reflect; this is definitely one of those. His messages are even relevant today, 64 years later. I understand why so many people abandon their religious traditions; why they get turned off by the old fashioned and outdated ideas and beliefs of their religious organizations. Rabbi Liebman wrote: "... the time is coming when we have to bring our idea of God into harmony with the new realities of our life." We cannot continue seeing God as a Divine tyrant, and a powerful and scary being. Religions shouldn't be based on the premises of fear, surrender and submission. I agree with Rabbi Liebman when he said that we must have "confidence in life and in the God of life," and also that "we must think of ourselves as responsible co-workers with God." We are co-creators with God. God wants cooperation and partnership not submission!
So who is God? How do you define God? That's the million dollar question. Think about it... Is your idea of God outdated? Is this why you don't trust God or religion? We are drops in the Infinite Sea that is God... The energy of God (Love/Life) is inside each one of us; we have one of the seeds of God within us. "He made man a vessel of His energy, endowed with unlimited powers of good an evil." God is infinite energy... God is life...
We have complete free will and must believe in our individuality; in the value of our independent growth, our independent thinking, and our personal responsibility and freedom. This is why we don't want to believe in a God that decides what's best for us; He/She/It is not a puppet master, and we are not his puppets. We decide what's best for us... and we create our life, with God's help. We have the power (which emanates from the God seed) to create a beautiful life for ourselves. We must learn to believe in that power and learn to love life, no matter what! When we embrace the good qualities of our soul —kindness, compassion, forgiveness, patience, love— we find peace and we find God.