Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Embracing Open-Mindedness

"Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself." ~ Desiderius Erasmus

To be open-minded is to be receptive to new and different ideas or to the opinions of others. I personally feel that it's essential to have an open mind, especially in today's world. It would be arrogant to believe that we are always right. No one is... There's so much diversity, so many countries, so many people with their unique customs and beliefs, so many different opinions, so many differences between the human beings that inhabit this Earth... We must learn to be more open-minded, tolerant, understanding, patient, flexible, forgiving.

We must concentrate in the good and beauty of others, their accomplishments, their uniqueness, their specialness and not in their differences. Let's find common ground and embrace our similarities. We're not that different after all. Why is it so hard to try to accept others the way they are? Of course, it is hard to see injustices, abuse, hatred, evil... It's hard to understand how and why some people only embrace negative attitudes and behaviors. Why do they want to harm others? Where is their conscience? Are they in so much pain themselves, or are they so ignorant, that they prefer to ignore the suffering of others and are willing to cause pain to relieve their own? Don't they feel the pain of others? Why can't they get along with the rest? Why can't they find peace? Why do they have to hate so much?

It is hard for me to understand how others at times enjoy causing pain. Why so many people want to seek revenge for what they believe were wrongs that others inflicted on them. We must learn to let go. We must learn to forgive. No one is perfect!

In many ways it is selfishness. They're so concerned about being and feeling like victims, that they become blind to the needs and suffering of others. Life would be so much better and simpler if we all got along. Why do we sometimes have to prove that we, and only us, are always right? That we always know best? No one is all-knowing. Humility must be learned, and patience must be cultivated. Above all, love must be the feeling that moves us, not fear, not hate... ONLY LOVE! And in order to truly love we must be open-minded... and flexible. We must remember that our actions, thoughts and intentions will have positive or negative consequences in our lives. We are responsible for creating a happy or a miserable life!

I think Oprah Winfrey hit the nail on the head when she wrote: "Your relationships with others reflect your relationship with yourself. You can't give love if you don't have it. And you can't receive (or even perceive) it because you won't recognize it when it shows up. You've got to care for yourself in order to be able to care for others." (The Oprah Magazine, April 2010 Edition)

I also love Peace Pilgrim's messages, like when she said: "Judging others will avail you nothing and injure you spirituality. Only if you inspire others to judge themselves will anything worthwhile have been accomplished." Let's learn to be less judgmental. It's easy to believe we know it all... 

I highly recommend the book "The Power of Patience" by M. J. Ryan (author of "Random Acts of Kindness"). We all need to learn to be more patient with ourselves and with one another. Check it out!


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